I hate birthdays. I have never been truthful about my age. I avoid or lie about my age in every instance except for legal documents. My birthday is usually not a happy day for me. This year was different. I had the best birthday ever. I didn't even mind that it was my birthday, and in fact, I had a great day!
My family made it so special. They started a week ago and it just went on and on. They put a lot of thought and effort in making it special and it was indeed special.
My friends also made me glad it was my birthday as I received numerous texts and e mails from many friends both close and far away.
Thanks to everyone for all your well wishes.
I was having such fun with my birthday this year that I went out and bought myself a present. I have been admiring Melanie and Jamie's iphones ever since they got them and I just took my happy self over and purchased myself one yesterday! I still cannot believe I was so bold as to do it. My old phone was fairly new and there was nothing wrong with it. I cannot justify such unneccesary spending but it sure was fun. I love the iphone. I am still learning what all I can do with it. So far it sure is a fun toy.
I don't mind birthdays anymore. That does not mean that I will tell anyone my age. I will still avoid the subject or lie about it!!!!
My Best Friend
12 years ago