Sunday, January 11, 2009


I have added some photos from one of our favorite trips to my header. In 2005 Greg and I went to Alaska. It was a dream trip that we hope to repeat if the stock market ever recovers! We went to Brooks Falls during the salmon run and watched the bears catch and eat fish, saw the glaciers, went whale watching and fishing. We were in the back country most of the time and we got there via a 4 seater plane that landed on rocks, dirt and even a water plane in many cases. We also flew right over Mt. McKinley and took a train ride. We were there for 10 days and could have easily stayed another 10! The scenery, and wildlife including puffins and eagles was just spectacular. We have been blessed to take some geat trips. I will post segments from time-to-time of some of our favorite places.


Melanie said...

I like it! Very nice job! :)

NesrstaFamily said...

I have always wanted to visit Alaska. It just looks so peaceful and relaxing. I absolutely love the header. Great job and congratulations!